Conference Papers
- Orton NR, Manary MA, Boyle KB, Eby B, Bishop J, Hu J, Klinich KD (2023) Volunteer Evaluation of Prototype Integrated Wheelchair Seating Stations with UDIG-Compatible Docking Systems and Automatic Belt Donning RESNA 46th Annual Conference Proceedings, New Orleans, LA
- Manary MA, Boyle KB, Orton NR, Eby B, Bishop J, Hu J, Klinich KD (2023) Dynamic Performance of Add-On UDIG Attachments for Four Commercial Wheelchairs. RESNA 46th Annual Conference Proceedings, New Orleans, LA
- Klinich KD, Ebert S, Malik L, Manary MA, Sidman J, Lipetlo W. (2019) Seatbelt entanglement: field analysis, countermeasure development, and subject evaluation of devices intended to reduce risk. SAE Technical Paper 2019-01-0619. SAE World Congress, Detroit, Michigan
- Boyle KJ, Malik LJ, Manary MA, Eby B, Hu J, Klinich KD (2017) Development of fit envelopes to promote compatibility among child restraints and vehicles, Enhanced Safety of Vehicles Conference, Detroit, MI.
- Manary MA, Klinich KD, Reed MP, Flannagan CA, Orton NR. (2016) Investigation of crash consequences for common child restraint misuses. International Conference on the Protection of Children in Cars, Munich, Germany.
- Klinich KD, Flannagan CA, Hu J, Reed MP (2016) Potential Benefits of Low-Mass Vehicles with Comprehensive Crash Avoidance Technology, IRCOBI Conference Proceedings, IRC 16-95, Malaga, Spain.
- Jones MH, Klinich KD, Ebert SM, Malik L, Manary MA, Reed MP (2015) A Pilot Study of Toddler Anthropometry and Posture in Child Restraint Systems, Association for the Advancement of Automotive Medicine
- Klinich KD, Boyle K, Malik L, Manary M, Hu J. (2015) Installed Positions of Child Restraint Systems in Vehicle Second Rows SAE 2015 World Congress, SAE-2015-01-1452, Detroit, MI.
- Klinich KD, Reed MP, Ebert SM, Rupp JD (2012) Child Anthropometry Measurement for Development of Human Body Parametric Models, 10th Annual Conference on the Protection of Children in Cars, Munich, Germany
- Rupp JD, Miller CS, Reed MP, Klinich KD, Schneider LW (2011) Comparison of WorldSID and cadaver responses in low-speed and high-speed nearside impact. Paper Number 11-0080. Proc. 2011 ESV Conference, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Washington DC.
- Rupp JD, Reed MP, Miller CS, Madura NH, Klinich KD, Schneider LW, Kuppa SM (2009) Development of new criteria for assessing the risk of knee-thigh-hip injury in frontal impacts using Hybrid III femur force measurements. Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on the Enhanced Safety of Vehicles. Paper 09-0306. National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Washington DC
- Rupp JD, Klinich KD, Madura NH, Miller CS, Pearlman MD, Schneider LW (2006) The MAMA-2B–An improved pregnant crash test dummy. Journal of Biomechanics 39(suppl 1): S160
- Manary MA, Reed MP, Klinich KD, Ritchie NL, Schneider LW (2006) The effects of tethering rear-facing child restraint systems on ATD responses Proceedings of the 50th Conference of the Association for the Advancement of Automotive Medicine 50:376-410 [2007 UMTRI Best Paper Award, 3rd Place]
- Klinich KD, Moore JL, Manary MA, and Schneider LW (2006) Use and Performance of Occupant Restraint Systems for Wheelchair Users in Real-World Crashes. RESNA Conference Proceedings, Atlanta, GA
- Klinich KD, Flannagan CA, Nicholson KN, Schneider LW, Rupp JD (2006) Identifying abdominal injury patterns using the NASS and CIREN databases Journal of Biomechanics 39(suppl 1): S158
- Klinich KD, Ritchie NL, Manary MA, Reed MP, Tamborra N, Schneider LW (2005) Kinematics of the Q3S ATD in a Child Restraint under Far-side Impact Loading Nineteenth ESV Conference Proceedings. Paper Number 05-0262. Washington DC, NHTSA.
- Klinich KD, Rupp JD, Pearlman MD, and Schneider LW (2004) Protecting the pregnant occupant and fetus in motor-vehicle crashes: A biomechanical perspective. Proceedings of the Research on Women’s Issues in Transportation Conference, Chicago, IL. Transportation Research Board of the National Academies, Washington DC.
- Klinich KD, Schneider LW, Moore JL, Pearlman MD (2000) Investigation of crashes involving pregnant occupants. Proceedings of the Association for the Advancement of Automotive Medicine 44th annual conference. Association for the Advancement of Automotive Medicine, p. 37-55. [2000 AAAM Best Conference Paper Award]
- Klinich KD, Schneider LW, Moore JL, and Pearlman MD (1998) Injuries to pregnant occupants in automotive crashes Proceedings of the Association for the Advancement of Automotive Medicine 42nd annual conference Association for the Advancement of Automotive Medicine, p. 57-91
- Klinich KD, Schneider LW, Moore JL, Pearlman MD (1998) Injuries to pregnant occupants in automotive crashes Proceedings of the Sixteenth International Technical Conference on Experimental Safety Vehicles Washington DC, NHTSA, p. 2046-2064.
- Haffner M, Kleinberger M, Eppinger R, Hennessey BC, Pritz H, Beebe M, Hagedorn, AV, Klinich KD, Ore L, Tanner CB, and Kuppa S (1994) Progress in the Development of New Frontal Dummy Components for the NHTSA Advanced Frontal Protection Program, Fourteenth ESV Conference Proceedings.
- Klinich KD and Burton RW (1993) Injury Patterns of Older Children in Automotive Accidents. Child Occupant Protection, SAE # 933082, Society of Automotive Engineers, Warrendale PA
- DeSantis KA (1991) Development of an Improved Multi-Directional Neck Prototype. Thirty-fifth Stapp Car Crash Conference Proceedings, SAE #912917, Society of Automotive Engineers, Warrendale, PA.